
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Leadership: 16th man, March 5th

This was a movie we watched in our leadership class on march 5th. While it is a pivotal movie in its self. I feel like there a ton of take home leadership qualities that can be taken home from a movie like this. I feel that when ESPN made this movie, they did a really great job at capturing the sports aspect of the movie, and moved on to find deeper meaning in the comradery they not only found in rugby, but how many things hung in the balance socially and politically because of this simple game.

One of the big things that i got from this was how even though there may be loss when it comes to leadership, a leader has to expect that there will always be either some amount of dysfunction or disagreement when it comes to leading. I feel that this was really shown in the movie when Nelson Mandela came out to speak to the crowd of his followers wearing a hat with the Springbok rugby team logo. While he was doing this in a move for unity. Every one following him took this somewhat as a move of slander and treachery. soon though after he spoke the people soon realized that their didn't need to be any more casualties to this, and  that if they sided with Mandela's ideas. That they too could find peace in forging a new path for their country. As well that if they could put aside their social and racial differences, that they could make the country stronger, and a better place for their children to live in the future.

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